Two Historic Avon 19th Century Quilts on Display
Free One Time Event: February 18, 2023, 1 pm - 3 pm
by Nora O. Howard, Historian of the Town of Avon and of the Avon Congregational Church - [email protected]
After more than 170 years in private hands, two remarkable quilts made in Avon will be on display - but only for two hours - at the Avon Congregational Church at 6 West Main Street. One of the quilts now belongs to the Avon Historical Society.
In the early 1850s, eighty-one people came together to join their names and sentiments on a Sig-nature Quilt for their dear friend Sophia Woodford of Avon. Sophia, about 30 years old, lived at 90 Old Farms Road with her father Orris, and her three grown brothers, Selah, Egbert, and Lucius. Her large quilt, 88 inches by 84 inches, features a Granny Square or Album design. It was recently donated to the Avon Historical Society by Woodford descendants Christina Kraus and Eleanor Morgan.
Dr. Kraus, Yale University’s Thomas A. Thacher, Professor of Latin and a Woodford family descendant, conducted extensive research on the quilt. Additional research was conducted by Nora Howard, historian of the Avon Congregational Church and the Town of Avon. She determined that almost 70% of the quilt’s signers who lived in Connecticut were associated with the Avon Congregational Church. Other signers lived in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York.
Another Woodford family quilt, made at the same time with the same design, was given to So-phia's sister Adaline Woodford, at about age 37. Adaline's quilt was smaller, with only about half the number of signatures (47). Most of the people signed both quilts.
The community's gift to Adaline coincided with her move from Avon to New Haven. But what was Sophia’s life-changing event that found her friends rallying around to provide comfort and love? Perhaps it was an imminent and wrenching move away or a marriage. Sophia, alas, remained in Avon and unmarried until 1862. The mystery remains of what prompted such a magnificent gift to her in the early 1850s.
On Saturday, February 18, from 1 pm - 3 p.m., the two quilts of Sophia Woodford and her sister Adaline Woodford will be on display at the Avon Congregational Church's Fellowship Hall at 6 West Main Street. All are welcome to drop by Fellowship Hall to see these remarkable quilts. This is a free event. The quilt cannot be on display at this time in another Avon location as the proper display space for such a delicate textile is not yet available.
Ms. Howard, and Terri Wilson, president of the Avon Historical Society, will be on hand to answer questions. Also attending the Saturday event will be Dr. Kraus and Eleanor Morgan, and the owner of Adaline's quilt.

Caption: Signature Quilt of Sophia Woodford of Avon, early 1850s.
(l-r) Terri Wilson (Avon Historical Society president), Heddy Panik (volunteer at the Marian Hunter History Room of the Avon Free Public Library), and Tina Panik (Reference & Adult Ser-vices Manager of the Avon Free Public Library) examine the Sophia Woodford quilt, donated in December 2022 to the Avon Historical Society.
Two closeups of the quilt, one with the signature and sentiments of Mary Hubbell, daughter of Avon Congregational Church pastor, Rev. Stephen Hubbell: “The beautiful and useful may/walk hand in hand.”
Photographs by Nora O. Howard