Avon History Museum Soft Opening
The Avon Historical Society invites the public to a “sneak peek” of what the new Avon History Museum will be when it opens officially on July 4, 2025.
The Preview Opening will feature samples of two interior interpretive panels focusing on the tobacco and fuse industries that have thriving in Avon for decades. A few artifacts will be on display in temporary cabinets, including a dress worn in 1794 for a wedding in Northington. Outside, the public can view the newly installed engraved brick patio with 220 bricks bought by residents and businesses supporting this project.
Nearby, a large-scale descriptive panel about the history of this one-room schoolhouse will be placed. A mid-20th-century folk art weathervane of the canal will be placed by the plaque marking the spot where the Farmington Canal passed through this property almost 200 years ago.
The Society is still fundraising for interior exhibits and outdoor landscaping. All donations are tax deductible.
Orders Still Being Accepted – Deadline February 28, 2025
Have you bought a brick yet? No? Why not! The first order of engraved bricks has been installed and there’s space for a few more! The Society will place a second order in March, so order yours today! The Society has GIFT CARDS for giving a brick for any occasion you wish to commemorate. See Page 8 to order a brick. You can buy directly online, through the gift shop on the Society’s website, or by mail. We encourage eveyrone who loves history to help us by buying a brick!