Community Partners
The Avon Historical Society views Community Partners as an individual or company/organization that has made a financial or material donation, provided a deep discount or pro bono service, or assists with our mission. Since 2019 they are:
- American Eagle Financial Credit Union
- Avon Free Public Library
- Avon Senior Center
- Deb Key Imagery
- Elizabeth Ferry Speer Foundation, Avon, CT
- Eversource
- Exhibits and More, New York
- Family of Anthony O'Neill
- Felicia Fund, Providence, RI
- Garden Club of Avon

We are immensely grateful for the ongoing, tangible support of our partners who help us in so many ways. It truly “takes a village” to pitch together to make significant changes for the better in a small country town and we are so lucky to have close ties with these local and regional businesses who have helped us over many years.
If you are in the market for any of the services these partners provide, you can have confidence knowing they have been dependable in their dealings with us. Let them know you saw their name here and that we appreciate them!
If you have a service, a skill, or supplies that you would like to offer, please contact us to start a discussion about how we can involve you. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so there are tax advantages that recognize your contributions.