Avon Volunteer Fire Department with Bruce Appell and James DiPace
In 1736, Benjamin Franklin founded the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia. This would be the first volunteer fire department of its kind in the United States and laid the foundations for a tradition that continues to be practiced throughout many American towns today. Avon is one such town. The Avon Volunteer Fire Department, with its four stations and almost two hundred staff, is a completely volunteer-based organization that has been serving the town’s needs for over half a century. Joining us for this episode to discuss the history and development of the Avon Volunteer Fire Department are fire chief Bruce Appell and board member James DiPace.
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Avon Talks is a monthly podcast about Avon, CT's history, landmarks, and current events from the Avon Historical Society and Town of Avon. Ethan Guo, an Avon Resident and current undergraduate student at Tufts University, was the creator and host. This will be his last episode as he needs to focus on his continuing education. Our gratitutude to Ethan for this amazing program!
Find more Avon Talks info on https://avontalks.buzzsprout.com